The PSL Wizard guides the user through the procedure of testing sources to photobiological safety standards including IEC 62471, EN 62471 and IEC TR 62778, performing calculations on measurement results of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance performed with the IDR300-PSL.

Attached to this note is a spreadsheet allowing validation of the computed results for IECĀ / EN 62471, IEC TR 62778 and evaluation of effective UV hazard according to IEC 61167 / 60598-1.

On each tab, information relating to the source, pertinent to the evaluation should be input. Fields highlighted in blue correspond to required inputs.

The required spectral irradiance and spectral radiance data should then be input, ensuring the same step size is employed using specific custom wavelength files.

The results reported by Benwin+ and the PSL Wizard can then be compared with those computed by this calculator.